Jul 20, 2022 | Camarillo, Fillmore, Happenings, Moorpark, Nancy D. Lackey Shaffer, Newbury Park, Ojai, Oxnard, Piru, Port Hueneme, Santa Paula, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Ventura, Ventura County, Westlake Village | 0 |
PICTURED: 12TH ANNUAL HENRY SCHWAB VIOLIN AND VIOLA COMPETITION | July 23-24. Talented young violinists and violists advance to the final round in this internationally recognized competition of musical excellence. Category A finalists will perform a full multi-movement concerto with the Schwab Academy Symphony Orchestra on Saturday, July 23, at 7:30 p.m. Category B finalists will perform a movement from the 17th or 18th century repertoire, also with the orchestra, on Sunday, July 24, at 2:30 p.m. All performances take place at the Helen Yunker Auditorium at the Ventura College Performing Arts Center, 4700 Loma Vista Road, Ventura, www.venturacollege.edu/departments/academic/music/schwab-academy-of-music .
Happenings includes community events, meetings, classes, community resources and needs. To submit an item for inclusion email to: happenings@vcreporter.com
JACKBOX PARTY GAMES FOR TEENS | 1-3 p.m. Bring your own device and play Jackbox Party Games with other teens in the Young Adult Center. YA Library at the Camarillo Public Library, 4101 Las Posas Road, Camarillo, 805-388-5222, camarillolibrary.org .
LOCAL BIRDS LECTURE | 2-3 p.m. Learn about our local birds with the Conejo Valley Audubon Society. Community Room at the Camarillo Public Library, 4101 Las Posas Road, Camarillo, 805-388-5222, camarillolibrary.org .
FAMILY BOARD GAME WITH TICKET TO RIDE | 2-4 p.m. Ages 7 and up can have fun with this cross-country adventure board game. Children’s Library at the Camarillo Public Library, 4101 Las Posas Road, Camarillo, 805-388-5222, camarillolibrary.org .
11TH ANNUAL FROM FIELD TO FORK DINNER | 4:30 p.m. “From Field to Fork” brings together farmers who produce Ventura County’s agricultural bounty, chefs who celebrate that bounty on their menus, and the farm workers whose labor makes it all possible. Enjoy a multi-course gourmet dinner while helping promote safe, decent, and affordable housing for farmworkers and their families. Make sure to follow our e-newsletter and social media to stay up to date. $125-$175. The Walnut Grove, 3370 Sunset Valley Road, Moorpark, housefarmworkers.org/event/ .
CONFLICT KITCHEN | 6-8 p.m. A dinner and dialogue about the refugee experience in Ventura County. Conflict Kitchen uses the social relations of food to break bread and engage the public in meaningful conversation. A simple Ukrainian meal will be served. Space is limited; pre-registration is required. Free. Oxnard Performing Arts Center, 800 Hobson Way, Oxnard, www.oxnardperformingarts.com .
PRINT EXCHANGE | 6-9:30 p.m. Artists trade work with each other and the public the third Thursday of every month. All artists are welcome to bring prints. Prints for prints, prints for pints, and prints for other creations, too! For more information, contact Trent Stevens at 808-729-7207. Topa Topa Brewing Company, 104 E. Thompson Blvd., Ventura.
CONCERTS IN THE PARK | 7 p.m. The Camarillo Community Band will offer free evening concerts every Thursday in July at Constitution Park. Presented by the Pleasant Valley Recreation and Park District. Corner of Carmen Drive and Paseo Camarillo, For more information, see the band’s website, www.camarillocommunityband.com .
DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS FOR TEENS | 3-5 p.m. All skill levels are invited to jump into a campaign of Dungeons and Dragons. The campaign is led by teens for teens. YA Library of the Camarillo Public Library, 4101 Las Posas Road, Camarillo, 805-388-5222, camarillolibrary.org .
MIRIAM AND HENRY SCHWAB ACADEMY OF MUSIC PERFORMANCE | 7:30 p.m. The summer academy’s chamber music group will perform in the Helen Yunker Auditorium at the Ventura College Performing Arts Center, 4700 Loma Vista Road, Ventura, www.venturacollege.edu/departments/academic/music/schwab-academy-of-music .
RUMMAGE SALE | 7 a.m.-12 p.m. Turn your clutter into cash! We are very excited to be able to offer donation pickup for unsold items again! Unsold items will be collected from 11am to 1pm onsite. Please be aware that not all large items may be able to be collected. Reminder: Only garage sale type items may be sold. No hazardous or explosive materials, illegal drugs, firearms or any weapons may be sold at this event. No food or drink items can be sold by participants. Applications may be submitted in person or via email. However, digital submissions must still call the office to select your vendor space. For walk-in applications, please visit the Administration Office: Pleasant Valley Recreation & Park District, 1605 E. Burnley St., Camarillo, CA 93010. For digital submissions, please email your application to specialevents@pvrpd.org, and call the office: 805 482-1996, to select your space number. Parking spaces $25-65. Community Center Park, 1605 E. Burnley St., Camarillo, www.pvrpd.org/2022-07-23-rummage-sale .
VENTURA BEACH CLEANUP | 9-11 a.m. Bring your sun hats, water bottles and closed toed shoes to help Surfrider and the city of Ventura keep the beach clean. Buckets, grabbers and gloves will be provided. Volunteer waivers need to be signed in advance, but walk ups are welcome. Please check in on the Promenade at California Street next to the Crowne Plaza Hotel; look for the blue Surfrider tent. Details and waivers are online at ventura.surfrider.org/beach-cleanups/ . Email beachcleanups@ventura.surfrider.org with any questions.
RINCON-VITOVA INSECTARIES TOUR | 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Go behind the scenes with Rincon-Vitova Insectaries and the Ventura Botanical Gardens to see the world of growing bugs, for everything from bio-control to Hollywood sets. Learn how they farm their insects and how you can promote beneficial bugs in your own garden! Please wear sturdy, close-toed shoes and be prepared for biological odors, growing bugs is stinky work! Children accompanied by adults are welcome. VBG members only; two tickets per member; limited to 45 guests. $25. 108 Orchard Drive, Ventura. Sign up by calling 805-232-3113 x2 or visit venturabotanicalgardens.com .
FLOW COLLAGE CLASS | 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Join artist Heidi Williams for her third class in acrylic fluid art techniques. Meet on the patio to learn swipe techniques as well as string and chain pulls; Williams will also review the basics of paint pouring. The process is messy so dress appropriately. Bring a box at least two inches larger than 9×12 inches to carry your painting home. $50; supplies included. Poppies Art and Gifts, 323 E. Matilija St., Ojai. For questions, email Williams at heidsdesign@gmail.com with “pour paint” in the subject line. poppiesartandgifts.indiemade.com .
HAPPY RAINBOW FACE PAINTING | Sunday, July 24, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Professional face painting will be offered all afternoon at Ventura Harbor Village on the promenade. Whether you’re a kid or just young at heart, it’s a great way to put your artistic spirit front and center! Before or after, make some time to check out the harbor’s many shops, restaurants, boating opportunities and more! 1583 Spinnaker Dr., Ventura, 805-477-0470, www.venturaharborvillage.com.
CHILDREN’S MOVIE MATINEE | 1-3 p.m. Join us for a screening of Clifford the Big Red Dog. Community Room of the Camarillo Public Library, 4101 Las Posas Road, Camarillo, 805-388-5222, camarillolibrary.org .
THE BIRDS NEST TROPICAL BIRDS | 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Take photos with colorful birds of the tropics, who will make a special visit to the promenade at Ventura Harbor Village. Before or after, make some time to check out the harbor’s many shops, restaurants, boating opportunities and more! 1583 Spinnaker Dr., Ventura, 805-477-0470, www.venturaharborvillage.com .
TEEN ADVISORY BOARD | 2-4 p.m. An engaging leadership group that develops programs and services and is a fun way to earn service hours. Meetings are held every second and fourth Saturday of the month at 2 p.m. Contact Young Adult Librarian Susan Gardner at sgardner@camarillolibrary.org if you are interested in joining. Conference Room of the Camarillo Public Library, 4101 Las Posas Road, Camarillo, 805-388-5222, camarillolibrary.org .
MUSIC UNDER THE STARS | 7:30 p.m. Music Under the Stars returns to the Olivas Adobe Historical Park this summer with eight outdoor concerts! Identity Theft is a high-energy tribute to the ’80s! With five experienced and well-rounded musicians, their song list covers a wide range of totally awesome hits. This interactive show is always a crowd pleaser. Known for their unique medleys and mashups, Identity Theft is the spark that ignites the party. All concerts begin at 7:30 p.m. and end at 9:30 p.m. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Attendees are welcome to bring their own picnic dinners. There will be a full beverage service and snacks available for purchase on site. No outside alcohol, additional chairs or tables allowed. If you would like to host a larger group, please contact Recreation Coordinator Gina Reyes at 805-658-4728. $20-30. Olivas Adobe Historical Park, 4200 Olivas Park Drive, Ventura, www.cityofventura.ca.gov/1738/Music-Under-the-Stars .
BINGO BASH | 5-8 p.m. Doors open at 3 p.m. Paper sales end promptly at 4:30 p.m. Minimum buy-in: One pack of 13 games for $15; 10 6-ons and three 3-ons. Specials: $2 each sheet, black/white, Double Action, 4-on two-pac. All other specials: $1 per sheet. Community Center Auditorium, 1605 E. Burnley St., Camarillo, www.pvrpd.org/2022-07-24-bingo-bash .
TEEN SUMMER CRAFTS | 2-3 p.m. Never experienced going away to camp? Now is your chance to create camp-themed crafts! Create bracelets and bookmarks with straws. All materials included. YA Library of the Camarillo Public Library, 4101 Las Posas Road, Camarillo, 805-388-5222, camarillolibrary.org .
POPPIES BOOK CLUB MEETING | 6 p.m. Meet on the back patio to discuss Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens. Poppies Art and Gifts, 323 E. Matilija St., Ojai, 805-798-0033, tireswingstudio@gmail.com .
CHANNEL ISLANDS CHAPTER OF THE EMBROIDERERS’ GUILD OF AMERICA | 9:30 a.m. Come see what’s new in the world of needle art! United Methodist Church, 291 Anacapa Drive, Camarillo. For more information, e-mail president@channelislandsega.org or visit our website at www.channelislandsega.org .
BUBBLES WITH KIDSTREAM | 11 a.m.-12 p.m. and 2-3 p.m. Gather round kidSTREAM’s giant bubble maker on our back patio and learn about the science of bubbles and more. Children’s Library of the Camarillo Public Library, 4101 Las Posas Road, Camarillo, 805-388-5222, camarillolibrary.org .
THE GLOBAL CARNIVAL OF HARRY BELAFONTE, PART 2 | 1-3 p.m. We will learn how Belafonte abandoned a promising career as a jazz singer to take on the more meaningful work of a folk music scholar, capturing the lively flavor and romance of the West Indies. He expanded upon it by seeking out songs from many world cultures and introducing them to audiences via his records and personal appearances. These lectures will trace the sources for Belafonte’s most popular songs, as well as explore his journeys into prison work songs, blues, spirituals, and music forms from other countries as well the United States. Led by Cary Ginell. $10, or bundle all July lectures for $54, or bundle the whole summer series for $140. www.callutheran.edu/centers/lifelong-learning/fifty-better/lecture-series.html .
BOARD GAME HANG | 1-3 p.m. Play a wide array of board games every Wednesday in the Young Adult Center. YA Library at the Camarillo Public Library, 4101 Las Posas Road, Camarillo, 805-388-5222, camarillolibrary.org .
MOVIE MATINEE: CYRANO | Thursday, July 28, 2-4 p.m. A musical version of the classic tale of love, poetry and mistaken identity, starring Peter Dinklage, Haley Bennett, Ben Mendelsohn and others. Community Room at the Camarillo Public Library, 4101 Las Posas Road, Camarillo, 805-388-5222, camarillolibrary.org.
JACKBOX PARTY GAMES FOR TEENS | 1-3 p.m. Bring your own device and play Jackbox Party Games with other teens in the Young Adult Center. YA Library at the Camarillo Public Library, 4101 Las Posas Road, Camarillo, 805-388-5222, camarillolibrary.org .
FAMILY BOARD GAME WITH DOMINOES | 2-4 p.m. Ages 4 and up can have fun and make friends (and chain reactions!) while they learn to play dominoes. Children’s Library at the Camarillo Public Library, 4101 Las Posas Road, Camarillo, 805-388-5222, camarillolibrary.org .
FREE CONCERT WITH ADAAWE | 5:30 p.m. The entire community is invited to attend this dynamic global fusion performance by “international women of drum and voice.” Their African rhythms, harmonies and world soul will uplift the spirit, celebrate diversity and unite humanity. The concert kicks off the 27th season of the Ventura Music Festival. Free. 185 E. Santa Clara St.; between Figueroa and Junipero on Main St. in Downtown Ventura. venturamusicfestival.org/schedule/adaawe-free-public-concert/
CONCERTS IN THE PARK | 7 p.m. The Camarillo Community Band will offer free evening concerts every Thursday in July at Constitution Park. Presented by the Pleasant Valley Recreation and Park District. Corner of Carmen Drive and Paseo Camarillo, For more information, see the band’s website, www.camarillocommunityband.com .
COMMUNITY CULTURE COOKBOOK | Throughout June community members shared recipes from their heritage. Those recipes have been compiled into a booklet that can be picked up at the Adult Reference Desk. Camarillo Public Library, 4101 Las Posas Road, Camarillo, 805-388-5222, camarillolibrary.org .
TEEN SCARY STORY CONTEST | Through July 30. This summer, teens are invited to be creative and submit their scary stories for a chance to win a prize. Library staff will read and review each submission. Entries should be submitted no later than July 30. Winners will be announced at our Scary Story circle on Saturday, August 6. For more information, visit camarillolibrary.org .
DEPRESSION AND BIPOLAR SUPPORT ALLIANCE MEETING | Tuesdays, 6:30-8 p.m. This Ventura-based peer support group for those experiencing depression and bipolar disorder will resume its free weekly meetings at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Ventura. Enter by way of the main door. Please bring your own N95 mask. For more information, contact Wendell Jones at 805-640-6472, wenj16630@sbcglobal.net or DBSAlliance.org. 5654 Ralston St., Ventura.
FAMILY STORYTIME | Mondays, 4 p.m. Every Monday the South Oxnard Library hosts an all-ages storytime with Miss Joanne in the Children’s Area. South Oxnard Branch Library, 4300 Saviers Road, Oxnard, 805-385-8129, www.oxnard.org/library/south-oxnard-branch-library/ .
HOPE AND HELP FOR OVEREATERS | Saturdays, 10-11 a.m. Is your eating out of control? Are you feeling fat? Overeaters Anonymous can help. 133 S. Laurel St., Ventura (building next to the church). For more information call Amy at 805-340-5882. Donations only.
KIDS CLUB AT THE COLLECTION | Select Wednesdays, Through Aug. 3, 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m. Throughout the summer, The Collection at Riverpark will be offering a series of Kids Club events. Full of kid-friendly fun, these events will be free and open to all the community’s youngsters and their families. The Kids Clubs will be held July 20 and Aug. 3, 10:30 a.m. to noon, on the grass at Collection Park. Each club will have a separate theme, and will include story time, singalongs, arts and crafts and more. 2751 Park View Court, Oxnard, www.thecollectionrp.com .
PIRATE SHIP AT VENTURA HARBOR | Through Sept. 5. A stunning 1768 pirate ship replica, The Devil’s Gauntlet, has sailed to town and has plans to temporarily call Ventura Harbor Village home for a good portion of the summer! Visitors can see the beautiful ship docked at “D Dock” (located on the water nearest Coastal Cone Ice Cream). The captain hopes to get dockside tours up and running soon, but for now you can admire the boat from the public promenade above the ship. As the ship may come and go for trips to nearby ports, sightings cannot be guaranteed. But for more information, including notification of upcoming tours, visit www.venturaharborvillage.com/event/pirate-ship-visit/2022-06-26/ .
The Rubicon Theatre Company opens its new Sandra and Jordan Laby Gallery on July 21 with works by internationally renowned artist Michael O’Kelly. Photo submitted
SOUND MEDITATION | Through July 31. Morning and sunset sound meditation sessions will take place weekly in person at the Viewpoint at Meditation Mount. Sunday morning sessions 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. with Suburbanoid. Friday evening sessions 6:15-8:15 p.m. with Trinity of Sound. $25; registration is required. For exact dates and times, visit meditationmount.org/events .
SUNSET YOGA AND SOUND MEDITATION | Thursdays, 6:30-8 p.m., through July 28. Connect with your mind, heart and body in a picturesque outdoor garden setting overlooking the beautiful Ojai Valley. Please bring your own yoga mat and props, and a blanket (optional) for closing meditation, which will be accompanied by crystal singing bowls. $20; registration is required. For exact dates and times, visit meditationmount.org/events .
Some classes, exhibits and events are available exclusively online. All events are subject to change and cancellation; always verify with venue and/or organizer.
BLITHE SPIRIT July 22-31. This Noel Coward farce finds a remarried writer haunted by the ghost of his late first wife, whose spirit has been called up by a visiting medium. $15-20. Moorpark College Performing Arts Center, 7075 Campus Road, Moorpark, 805-378-1400, www.moorparkcollege.edu/departments/academic/theatre-arts/performing-arts-center .
DISENCHANTED July 24-27. Moorpark College Theatre Arts Alumni worked with current students to produce this fun and irreverent musical fairy tale parody where favorite storybook heroines set the record straight. Adult language and content. $15-20. Moorpark College Performing Arts Center, 7075 Campus Road, Moorpark, 805-378-1400, www.moorparkcollege.edu/departments/academic/theatre-arts/performing-arts-center .
JOSEPH AND THE AMAZING TECHNICOLOR DREAMCOAT July 23-Aug. 21. The Biblical tale of Joseph, the favorite son of Jacob whose brothers sold him into slavery in Egypt, set to a magical and witty musical score by Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber. A family-friendly production presented by Actors’ Repertory Theatre of Simi. $20-28. Simi Valley Cultural Arts Center, 3050 E. Los Angeles Ave., Simi Valley, 805-583-7900, www.svvac.org .
THE LION KING JR. July 21-24. Young actors from the Team High Street Summer Youth Theater Camp present this rendition of the Disney feature about a lion cub’s journey from guilt and exile to pride and leadership on the African savannah. $15. High Street Arts Center, 45 E. High St., Moorpark, 805-529-8700, highstreetartscenter.com .
MACBETH July 23-Aug. 7. The Kingsmen Shakespeare Festival continues its 2022 season (and its 25th anniversary!) with one of Shakespeare’s most memorable tragedies. Trust, loyalty, ambition, intrigue, betrayal and guilt collide in this tale about a Scottish general who schemes to become king. $15-110. Staged outside in Kingsmen Park, California Lutheran University, 60 W. Olsen Road, Thousand Oaks, www.kingsmenshakespeare.org .
PUKE AND SNOT Friday, July 22, 7:30 p.m. Mark Sieve and Scott Jorgensen make a dynamic comedy duo in this two-man act rumored to be the longest in U.S. Renaissance Festival history. This family-friendly benefit show is part of the Kingsmen Shakespeare Festival and is offered on a pay-what-you-can basis. Staged outside in Kingsmen Park, California Lutheran University, 60 W. Olsen Road, Thousand Oaks, www.kingsmenshakespeare.org .
BEATRICE WOOD CENTER FOR THE ARTS July 23-Sept. 4. The Cutting Edge: Selections from the Lipton Collection of Contemporary Wood Art (Beato Gallery). 8585 Ojai-Santa Paula Road, Upper Ojai, 805-646-3381, www.beatricewood.com .
SANDRA AND JORDAN LABY GALLERY Opening July 21. An Historical Eye, oil paintings, dye sublimations and gold-leaf prints from renowned artists Michael O’Kelly, to be displayed on the newly created arts space downstairs at the Rubicon Theatre Company. Opening reception on Thursday, July 21, at 6:30 p.m. 1006 E. Main St., Ventura, 805-667-2900, www.rubicontheatre.org .
WILLIAM ROLLAND GALLERY July 22-Oct. 27. Cole M. James: Call Them In, images and objects offered to the artist’s ancestors which “are grounded in expression of power, the personal, and the prison industrial complex.” California Lutheran University, 160 Overton Court, Thousand Oaks, 805-493-3697, rollandgallery.callutheran.edu.
DAB ART Ongoing. The contemporary art organization is currently seeking submissions of work in any media for group and solo exhibitions at H Gallery and Studios in Ventura. Submit three to 20 images; $35 entry fee. For submission guidelines, online application and more information, visit www.dabart.me/ventura-2 .
See original clothing made by guest artist Linda Nakamura at Poppies Art and Gifts through July 31.
25TH ANNUAL PUTNAM COUNTY SPELLING BEE Through July 23. Six tweens, a plethora of wild words, tales of woe and one nail-biter of a spelling championship – that’s how you spell HILARIOUS in this production by Conejo Players Theatre! Rated PG-13 for language. $18-20/ 351 S. Moorpark Road, Thousand Oaks, 805-495-3715, conejoplayers.org.
DISNEY’S NEWSIES Through July 24. Stop the presses! 5-Star Theatricals is proud to present this musical production based on the 1992 Walt Disney film and inspired by the true story of the 1899 New York City newsboy strike. $38-87. Fred Kavli Theatre, Bank of America Performing Arts Center, 2100 E. Thousand Oaks Blvd., Thousand Oaks, 805-449-2787, bapacthousandoaks.com .
LOBBY HERO Through Aug. 7. A dark comedy the explores truth, honor, duty and justice in a tale about a security guard who gets drawn into a murder investigation and a rookie cop with a morally suspect partner. $17-20. Presented by The Elite Theatre Company, 2731 Victoria Ave., Oxnard, www.theelite.org .
THE MUSIC MAN Through July 24. When a con man shows up in a small town with instruments and band costumes for sale, his plan to make a quick buck and skedaddle gets disrupted when he falls for the local librarian. 0-$30. Ojai ACT, 113 S. Montgomery St., Ojai, 805-640-8797, ojaiact.org.
PLAYZAPALOOZA Through July 31. Six original one-act plays will be featured in this year’s annual theater extravaganza presented by Backstage@SPTC. Adult themes and language. $15. Santa Paula Theater Center, 125 S. Seventh St., Santa Paula, 805-525-4656, www.santapaulatheatercenter.org/backstage.html .
VENTURA COUNTY POETRY PROJECT Thursday, July 21, 6:30 p.m. live and via Zoom. Poetry reading and open mic at the EP Foster Library (also streamed live), 651 E. Main St., Ventura. More information at vcpoetryproject.org .
AGRICULTURE MUSEUM Opened June 16: Save the Pollinators: A Youth-Led Environmental Restoration Project. Ongoing: Farm to Market , an interactive exhibit promoting healthy lifestyles through role play; plus antique tractors, farming implements, a living beehive and more. Hours: Thursdays-Sundays, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. 926 Railroad Ave., Santa Paula, 805-525-3100, venturamuseum.org/visit-agriculture-museum/ .
BANK OF THE SIERRA Through July 31. The Fabulous Female, dramatic and vibrant watercolors by Leslie Marcus that celebrate the beauty and distinctiveness of women. 402 W. Ojai Ave., #102, Ojai.
BUENAVENTURA ART ASSOCIATION Through July 30. Meaningful Images, landscapes, seascapes and portraiture in oil by William D. Winbush. Studio 99, Bell Arts Factory, 432 N. Ventura Ave., Ventura, 805-648-1235, buenaventuraartassociation.org .
CAMARILLO ART CENTER Through July 31. Hot Fun in the Sun, art made by Ventura County artists that was inspired by summertime. 3150 Ponderosa Drive, Camarillo, 805-407-0605, www.camarilloartcenter.org .
CHANNEL ISLANDS MARITIME MUSEUM Opened May 10: 71%: Honoring Vital Waters, mixed media works by Shannon Celia and Mary Neville inspired by oceans, lakes, rivers, glaciers and other bodies of water. Through Fall 2022: Chouinard Arts, a nine-piece collection featuring pieces of maritime art from the 1930s, including early works by Arthur Beaumont and Millard Sheets. Ongoing: Maritime art covering Asian, European and American seafaring history; the Marple Model Ship Collection; exhibits on whales, sailors and the Port of Hueneme and more. 3900 Bluefin Circle, Oxnard, 805-984-6260, cimmvc.org .
DUDLEY HOUSE HISTORIC MUSEUM Ongoing. The National Historic Landmark was built in 1892 by Selwyn Shaw for lima bean farmer B.W. Dudley, and is one of the last pioneer farmhouses in Ventura. On display are artifacts and other elements showcasing aspects of life from 1895 to 1925. Open for tours the first Sunday of the month. COVID protocols will be strictly followed. 197 N. Ashwood Ave., Ventura, 805-642-3345, dudleyhouse.org .
FOX FINE JEWELRY Through July 31. New Beginnings, featuring work by Mika Harmony and Chrystel Boissy (Green Touch Moss). 560 E. Main St., Ventura, 805-652-1800, www.foxfinejewelry.com .
H GALLERY Through July 31. In the Service of Civilization, a subtly provocative approach to cultural commentary. 1793 E. Main St., Ventura, www.dabart.me/in-the-service-of-civilization .
HARBOR VILLAGE GALLERY AND GIFTS Ongoing. Buenaventura Art Association members showcase and sell their work. Masks and social distancing required. 1559 Spinnaker Drive #106, Ventura Harbor Village, 805-644-2750, www.facebook.com/HarborVillageGalleryGifts .
HILL ROAD LIBRARY Through Aug. 15. Works by students of Anacapa, Isbell and Rio del Valle middle schools who participated in the Learning to See Outreach program offered by Focus on the Masters. 111 E. Ojai Ave., Ojai, focusonthemasters.com .
HILLCREST CENTER FOR THE ARTS Through Sept. 12. Arts Council of the Conejo Valley Summer Open Show Art Competition, featuring works in a variety of media. Reception and awards ceremony on Saturday, Aug. 6, 3-5 p.m. 403 W. Hillcrest Dr., Thousand Oaks, www.conejoarts.org .
William Winbush’s Meaningful Images continues through July 30 at the Buenaventura Art Association gallery. Pictured: “San Simeon Pelican,” oil on canvas, 40 in. x 70 in., William Winbush.
KWAN FONG GALLERY Through Oct. 13. On the Range: Works by Terry Spehar-Fahey, featuring art inspired by the ranching families of Idaho. California Lutheran University, 160 Overton Court, Thousand Oaks, 805-493-3697, blogs.callutheran.edu/kwanfong .
MULLIN AUTOMOTIVE MUSEUM Ongoing. The famed auto museum pays tribute to French automotive design, with coaches from the 1800s, Bugattis from the 1920s-30s, Concours d’Elegance winners and more. Hours: Friday-Sunday, 10 a.m.-3 p.m.; advance tickets required. 1421 Emerson Ave., Oxnard, 805-385-5400, mullinautomotivemuseum.com .
MURPHY AUTO MUSEUM Ongoing. Impressive display of vintage automobiles and Americana, as well as the Gold Coast Modular Railroad Club and the car-centric art in the Fireball Art Gallery. Muscles and Mojo car show in the parking lot every first and third Sunday of the month. The museum is now open Saturdays and Sundays, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 1930 Eastman Ave., Oxnard, 805-487-4333, www.murphyautomuseum.org .
MUSEUM OF VENTURA COUNTY Opened June 16: All That Glitters Is Not Gold, the Jazz Age in Ventura County; Chromatic: The Museum in Six Colors; Always Keep Creating: The Resiliency of Carol Rosenak . Opened May 12: Behind the Curtain: An Insider’s Look at The George Stuart Historical Figures®. Ongoing: MVC Gallery Marketplace, exhibits devoted to the Chumash, the history of Ventura County, online exhibits and resources and more. 100 E. Main St., Ventura, 805-653-0323 or venturamuseum.org .
OJAI ART CENTER Through Aug. 30. Works by Bert Collins, Jannene Behl, Richard Franklin and Ruth Levy. 113 S. Montgomery St., Ojai, 805-646-0117, www.ojaiartcenter.org/art.html .
OJAI LIBRARY Through Aug. 31. Works by students of Meiners Oaks and Topa Topa Elementary who participated in the Learning to See Outreach program offered by Focus on the Masters. 111 E. Ojai Ave., Ojai, focusonthemasters.com .
OJAI VALLEY MUSEUM Ongoing. Small exhibitions on a range of topics related to the history of the Ojai Valley, as well as virtual talks and more. Now open Friday-Sunday. The museum is once again offering 90-minute walking tours at 10:30 am every Saturday. 130 W. Ojai Ave., Ojai, 805-640-1390, www.ojaivalleymuseum.org .
OLIVAS ADOBE HISTORIC PARK Ongoing. The Olivas Adobe is now open the second Sunday of each month for visitors, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. The historic park invites all plein air artists to come out to the site for creative inspiration, from the rose garden and 160-year-old fuchsia to the rancho and the bell tower. In addition, Laura Jean Jespersen’s The Romance of the Adobe will be on exhibit in the small adobe. There will be raffles, historic interpreters, an al fresco gift shop and more. 4200 Olivas Park Drive, Ventura, www.cityofventura.ca.gov/OlivasAdobe .
POPPIES ART AND GIFTS Through July 31: See original clothing made by June guest artist Linda Tsuyako. Ongoing: Gifts, jewelry, decor and more made by local artists. 323 E. Matilija St., Ojai, 805-798-0033, www.poppiesartandgifts.com .
PORCH GALLERY Through Aug. 1. Nocturnes: Refrains from the Backcountry, work by Russell Crotty that challenges the preconceptions of drawing as a primary medium. 310 E. Matilija St., Ojai, 805-620-7589, porchgalleryojai.com .
RANCHO CAMULOS MUSEUM Ongoing. The 40-acre landmark and museum is one of the best surviving examples of an early California rancho and honors the area’s Spanish and Mexican heritage. “Last Sundays at the Landmark” take place the last Sunday of every month, and include docent-led tours, music and more. Open every Sunday for docent-led tours; group and special-focus tours by appointment. Situated off of Highway 126, two miles east of Piru. 805-521-1501, www.ranchocamulos.org .
realART Ongoing. The art gallery in Whizin Market Square features works by a variety of contemporary artists. Whizin Market Square, 28861 Agoura Road, Agoura Hills, 310-452-4000, buyrealart.com .
RONALD REAGAN PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Through Oct. 9: The Secrets of WWII. Ongoing: Permanent exhibits include Air Force One, an F-117 Nighthawk stealth fighter, an M-1 Abrams tank and more. 40 Presidential Drive, Simi Valley, 800-410-8354, www.reaganfoundation.org .
SANTA PAULA ART MUSEUM Through Nov. 6: Hiroko Yoshimoto: New Works, 40 new works in her “Biodiversity” series. Through Sept. 11: Geomorphic: The Living Earth, 42 abstract paintings inspired by nature by Kay Zetlmaier. The museum is now open, Wednesdays-Sundays. 117 N. 10th St., Santa Paula, 805-525-5554 or www.santapaulaartmuseum.org .
SPICETOPIA Ongoing. The spice and tea shop in downtown Ventura now shows works by members of the Buenaventura Art Association. 576 E. Main St., 805-628-3267, www.spice-topia.com .
STUDIO CHANNEL ISLANDS Through July 30: Echoes of Nature, works by contemporary Chinese artists curated by Dr. Aihua Z. Pearce. Programming associated with the exhibit includes artist talks and demonstrations. 2222 E. Ventura Blvd., Camarillo, 805-383-1368, studiochannelislands.org .
TAFT GARDENS AND NATURE PRESERVE Through July 31. A show featuring the work of Jane Mulfinger and Stephanie Washburn inspired by artists’ seven-month residencies at the gardens. 805-649-2333, www.taftgardens.org .
UBS WESTLAKE VILLAGE Through Aug. 30. No Boundaries, featuring works by Shari Alec, Maxee, Raj Naik, Bob Privitt, Geri Schonberg and Connie Tunick. 3011 Townsgate Road, Third Floor, Westlake Village, www.conejoarts.org .
VENTURA POTTERY GALLERY Ongoing. Talented ceramic artists from across Ventura County make up the Ventura County Potters Guild, and they display their works — housewares, home decor, figurines and more — at the guild’s gallery and shop in Ventura Harbor. 1567 Spinnaker Drive, Suite 105, Ventura, 805- 644-6800, venturapottersguild.org/gallery .
VERY VENTURA GIFT SHOP AND GALLERY Ongoing. Small gems by Buenaventura Art Association members, based on a theme selected by shop owner Angela Rosales. 540 E. Main St., Ventura, 805-628-3540, very-ventura.com .
VITA ART CENTER Through Aug. 12. Abstract 2+2, featuring Philip Argent, Robin Mitchell, Philip Vaughan and Jennifer Wolf; and Scott Taylor’s Dart Board Series. 28 W. Main St., Ventura, 805-644-9214, www.vitaartcenter.com .
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